Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day 2016

The Holocaust Memorial Society will continue to bring attention to a Holocaust perpetrator who did not meet justice for his crimes against the Jewish people in areas under the Hungarian occupation.  Moreover, the rehabilitation of Miklos Horthy, Hungarian regent in World War II, is well underway in spite of the fact that he was the first European statesman to extend a hand to Hitler (in the name of “greater Hungary”).

In his quest for ethnically pure greater Hungary, Horthy had to get rid of other ethnic communities in the areas under his occupation.  His genocidal and Holocaust actions affected parts of modern Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia and Ukraine, within the territories Hungary gained from Hitler as award for for entering the Reich’s power block.  Three-years occupation of Romanian Transylvania brought deportation of 150,000 Jews to Auschwitz, as well as 15,000 murdered and over 280,000 evicted Romanians.  Three-and-a-half years occupation of Backa, a region in north Serbia, was marked by a steady extermination of Serbs, Backa’s ethnic majority, and local Jews who numbered about 16,000.  In January 1942, Horthy’s troops tossed over 5,000 Serbs and Jews into frozen Danube in Novi Sad.  The surrounding villages were also ethnically cleansed of the Jews and numerous Serbs.

In March 1944, Horthy agreed with Hitler to place 100,000 to 300,000 Jews in Hungary proper at disposal for “war production” in Germany.  In April of the same year, the remaining Jewish population in northern Serbia was deported to Nazi death camps.

To this day, there has been no international document condemning Horthy for the acts of Genocide and Holocaust.  The book “Genocide Revealed” (www.genociderevealed) is an indictment against both Horthy and indifference to his crimes that never met justice.  As this Holocaust and Genocide perpetrator has never been internationally condemned, his current supporters in Europe have a legal ground to fully rehabilitate him.

“GR” author nominated for an award

Each year  the municipal authorities of Novi Sad, Serbia give “October Award” to a merited citizen to commemorate October 1944, when the city was liberated from Hungarian occupiers.  In 3.5 years occupation of Novi Sad and northern Serbia, the attempt was made to create ethnically pure Hungarian state.  Thus gruesome acts of Genocide (against the Serbs) and Holocaust of the Jews occurred in the region.  Veljic’s book Genocide Revealed documents those crimes which prompted a local journalist Tomislav Lovrekovic  to nominate him the the award.  The nomination was submitted to appropriate Committee which decides who gets the award.  The Committee is composed of representatives of the ruling local parties.  The nomination of Veljic is explained as follows:

Amidst the current flood of false authorities, mediocrities in the field of science and politically approved expounders of historical truths, as well as the activists who make living out of their activism, only one has stood out as being different.  To the shame of Novi Sad, one sole activist stands out from the rest.  By “different”, I mean a genuine one.  It is tragic that being honest has become a synonym for being different in our society. 

In short several years, Aleksandar Veljic has succeeded to achieve what no historian has done in the last 75 years following the World War II.  His dedicated, conscientious work is being done with modest technical opportunities, very limited finances at his disposal, and against incessant sabotages and distractions that come his way.  Isn’t that something?  This popular writer, historian and true activist reveals the truth about Razzia 1942 (a genocide of Hungarian occupiers) and proves Miklos Horthy (Hungarian regent and Hitler’s ally in World War II) to be a genocide perpetrator.  He has brought to light all the details of Horthy’s gruesome crimes against civilians.  At the same time, Veljic has been educating people on ecological issues as he stands against the GMO threat, Chemical spraying and other experiments on the population.  He has gained the name, reputation and respect of honest and honorable individuals and has been crucified by those who share no such virtues (yet has maintained a dignified approach to the latter). 

The fruits of Veljic’s labor certainly deserved the highest municipal recognition at all times.  His merits exceed the work of all the political protegees (who are usually awarded)…  The main traits in Aleksandar Veljic’s character is honor – that by itself is a sufficient argument for this Committee’s positive response of this Committee to this nomination”.

Constantine’s anti-Jewish Sunday law

On this day (March 7th) the Roman Emperor Constantine enacted his law which obliged all the citizens of the Roman Empire to keep the “venerable day of the sun”. The practice of some third century Christians to keep Sunday, the first day of the week, gave the idea to the Roman emperor to use that custom to seal unity within the empire. He retained the old pagan term in his law – ‘Dies Solis” (in Latin “the day of the sun”, or “Sunday”) – which came into force on March 7, 321 A.D. Constantine’s Sunday law stipulated the following:

“On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing or for vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost”.

Constantine’s ecclesiastical Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. abolished both the apostolic day of rest Sabbath and Passover. Constantine describes his motives behind such a decision:

“ it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast (Easter) we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul. … Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Savior a different way”.

Church historian Moshaim writes that fourth century superstitions gradually supplanted true piety. He attributes the shameful transformation of Christianity into paganism to a crazy drive to blend pagan rites with Christianity. Thus, beginning from Constantine, a new religion emerged of which “neither Jesus nor Paul were the founding fathers”. “As a completely new religion in the Roman Empire, Christianity came as the result of later interpretations of the original traditions about Christ’s life, teachings, death and resurrection”. [1]

Constantine built “St. Peter’s” basilica in Vatican on an ancient pagan cemetery. He died before completing the Church of the Twelve in Constantinople, where he planned his tomb surrounded by the tombs of the apostle. “The first Christian Emperor” dreamed to rest forever amidst the remains of the Twelve not like one of them, but as a symbol of their leader. [2]

1 Milan Vukomanovic, Early Christianity – from Jesus to Christ, Novi Sad: Svetovi, 1996, 19.

2 William Steuart McBirnie, The Search for the Twelve apostles, Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers Inc., 2004, 18-19.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2016

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2016


We find it urgent to appeal to our friends and sympathizers worldwide to press for an international condemnation of the Hungarian regent Miklosh Horthy, whose rehabilitation is being underway in his country. Several decades of silence about this man, as well as the fact that he evaded international justice after World War II, have pushed his crimes into the oblivion.

Miklosh Horthy also orchestrated Genocide against Romanians in Transylvannia and Serbs in Backa. In three years of Horthy’s occupation of Transylvania, at least 15,000 Romanians were murdered in the most brutal fashion, over 280,000 Romanians were evicted and about 150,000 Jews were deported to Auschwitz.

The most gruesome genocidal and Holocaust acts committed by Horthy’s army and gendarmerie occurred in January 1942 (so-called Razzia or Raid) against the Serbs and Jews in south Backa, the Serbian province occupied by Hungary from April 1941 to October 1944. In January 1942, the Jewish community of south Backa, around the Serbian city of Novi Sad, had been exterminated and tossed into frozen river Tisa. One fourth of Novi Sad Jewish community was tossed into icy Danube.

На обали Дунава
In March 1944, Horthy agreed with Hitler to place 100,000 to 300,000 Hungarian Jews at disposal for “war production”.

No international document has ever condemned Miklosh Horthy, a Holocaust and Genocide perpetrator. Therefore, he can legally be rehabilitated in Hungary at any point.
Horthy’s crimes have been documented in “Genocide Revealed” ( It is an indictment of a kind against one of Hitler’s closest allies.

Aleksandar Veljic, president  of  The Holocaust Memorial Society